Christmas decorating on a budget and see my decor!

Can you believe only three weeks until Christmas???? I am gleeful. Since having kids I have become a Christmas convert. 

Today I wanted to share a few of our very budget-friendly decorations. 

Our front door: 


Can you believe I got this wreath at the dollar tree?? It's so lush! The wreath was plain when I purchased is for $1. I purchased the ribbon and the sprig of berries there two. And I got the pine cones from my back yard for just $3. Boom! $3 wreath. 


You can see that the pinecone theme runs pretty deep. Don't ask me what it is! I purchased a bulk of ornaments at Walmart for $7 and put it in a wire basket on my antique phone table. 

Our fireplace: 

This is probably one of my favorite holiday decorations this year. I found this star shaped basket at my local thrift store for just $2! I had my husband cut up a fallen limb from our pecan orchard and placed the wood in the basket. Then I just clipped on these cute ornaments I purchased at Walmart last year for $1. 

I think it turned out fantastic!!

Have I told you about my mantle obsession? Yes. I frequently look at pins of people's mantles. This year I kept mine really simple with some dollar tree garland, and a star I picked up at Hobby Lobby for $12.50. I also stuck some pinecone decorations and sprigs of fake berries in my grandmother's antique sifter. 

Each season I decorate that sifter based on the season. It adds a homey touch. You can also see some birchwood candle holders peeking out. I got those in my Fair Trade Friday Box this month. 

Our tree: 

I know white lights are more elegant. And I know that matching ornaments and beautiful bow are pleasing to the eye. In fact, I love looking at trees decked out elegantly. But this tree represents my life. 

My children chose the colorful lights and it's littered with handprinted ornaments, and Sesame Street characters hung by tiny little hands. It's precious and it's sweet. 

Last week my five-year-old asked me to sit on the floor next to him so we could point to our favorite ornaments and talk about why we loved them. That isn't going to last forever. 

So I could have matching ornaments and a themed tree. But each ornament I have represents a memory, or a person, or a time I will cherish. 

So what about you? What is your favorite Christmas decoration at your house?