Less stress: More Joy. 10 tips for reducing holiday stress

Christmas is supposed to be a time of joy, family, faith and food. But it can so easily turn into a season of stress and anxiety. 

A couple weeks ago I asked my readers things they do to reduce holiday stress. Of course, you guys came up with GREAT tips. I am not surprised in the slightest because you are all wonderful. 

What are some tips you have for reducing holiday and Christmas stress?

Posted by Frugal Debt Free Life on Sunday, November 15, 2015

Here are your tips. 

  • Remember it's the spirit and joy not the dollar value.

  • Only do things when you want to. We used to set a date and pull out all the Christmas stuff and decorate. By the end we would be exhausted and stressed. Now we pull out the totes and decorate when we are in the Christmas spirit and only a little a time. Christmas should be enjoyable not stressful.

  • Well, I would like to say hibernate til January but I will say limit gathering we go to, try to do a family light night or even movie nights /game night, try very hard not to indulge in sweets, bad foods or even alcohol.

  • Dramatically reduce what you buy and ask those around you to do the same. Be prepared for some to think you have lost you mind. Finish your shopping early. I am done by Dec. 1st.

  • We stopped buying stuff and we asked people to stop doing the same for us.

  • The first year was awkward... But we're now 5 years into it now and it's liberating. No stress... We meet people for dinner. Have people over for dinner. It's so much more pleasant and less stressful.

  • Set a budget for holiday spending and stick to it, as for Christmas, start shopping well in advance when the stores are not crazy

  • Plan ahead, reduce the amount of people you are giving to, buy used if possible, and don't spend a lot. Do what really gives you joy instead of cramming in stuff that doesn't. Remember what the season is all about.

  • Doing the 4 gift rule: something wanted, something needed, something to wear, and something to read. Helps a lot in aiding to make sure everyone has the same amount of gifts.

  • Stay within budget!!