Low cost and no cost gift ideas

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Some of the best gifts I've ever received are those with a lot of thought and meaning. If you're struggling financially this holiday season, but you still want to gift the people in your life, I have a few ideas for you. These are low cost or no cost gift ideas. 

1. A recipe binder. 

When I got married my mother, mother-in-law and aunt put together a recipe binder with family recipes. These ranged from my mom's pot roast to my great grandmother's angel biscuits. 

They printed out the recipes and put them in sheet protectors inside a three-ring binder. But they also took things a step further. They scanned my great grandmother's handwritten recipes and included pages with handwritten notes and scribbles. They also included photographs of the people who had handed down the recipe. So it's almost like a scrapbook. I love that binder and use it all the time. 

2. Gifts of service

Do you have a friend or family member that needs help in an area? Offer to cut their grass, babysit or as a friend did for me, offer to clean or organize. 

I had a sweet friend who offered to come and help me organize before my youngest baby was born. It was a HUGE blessing. 

If you're a great photographer, offer to take family photos. Use your talents. 

3. The gift of books

If you have a book you have LOVED pull it off the shelf and write a really heartfelt inscription telling the person what that book meant to you and why you love them so much you want to share that book with them. 

4. Upcycled gifts!

See what you have that can be repurposed. Now, some people think this is tacky. I don't. But we all have things lying around our house that can become a gorgeous gift. Whether it's an old dress you want to turn into a scarf or some candles you want to upcycle, new life can be breathed into old things. 

5. Playdough mats for kids

Pinterest is COVERED with free printable Playdough mats. And you probably already have the things you need to make homemade playdough. 

6. The art of words

Find your recipient's favorite scripture or quote and make or find a beautiful quote. You could frame it and give it to your loved one. It's a great reminder that you pay attention.