Big list of FREE distance learning materials to use when school is closed

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I know things might feel a little tense and uncertain right now. I first want to say, hang in there. Deep breaths. It’s going to be okay.

I also know that many schools are closed and parents are looking for ways to keep kids in some sort of routine. As a homeschool mom, I have experience with this and I wanted to share a HUGE list of free resources.

First I want to offer you a few tips from a seasoned mama who has done this.

  1. Have a defined time you start. Otherwise, the day will get away from you and you won’t get anything done.

  2. Work then reward. Have some goals and once those are met have a reward EVERYONE (even you) can look forward to.

  3. You do not have to occupy or entertain your kids all day long. Let them get bored. They won’t die.

  4. Screen time isn’t the devil (in fact a lot of what I have shared below are YouTube channels). But it will turn your kids into gremlins. Use it intentionally as a tool.

  5. Put your kids on a snack schedule. TRUST ME. Just do this.

  6. Go outside. Not to the park or on a play date. Just outside.

Blogs with free resources:


(Picklebums also has a great list of podcasts for kids. You can check that out.)

Playdough to Plato

Busy Toddler (runs through prek)

Homeschool 4 me

Backpack science

Educational games:

Starfall (through first grade. This is my FAVORITE)


Dr. Suess


Math help:

Xtra math (this isn’t a game. But it will help)

Math help

Arc Academics:

Bedtime Math


Story Line

Classroom cereal

Common lit


Mystery science

Elemental science

Science simulations


Blogs with easy to follow lesson plans:


Living Montessori Now

123 Homeschool 4 me science lessons

YouTube channels:

Art for Kids Hub

Homeschool Pop

Crash Course Kids

SciShow Kids

Virtual Tours:


Mars surface

Cincinnati Zoo

The Louvre

YouTube channels that get kids moving!

Cosmic Kids Yoga

20 online (they have four kids workouts)