Do you need a budget reset?
/ Lydia Senn
Do you need a budget reset? We’ve all had months when our budgets didn’t come together as we wanted. Or we’re left at the end of the month saying “where did all of my money go?
Here are a few things to do if you need to reset your budget and your spending.
But first remember, money habits are built one at a time and in very small ways. Your budget won’t be perfect the first month, or the third, or the seventh. Keep trying and keep stacking good habits.
Review what you spent.
Go over your last month’s bank statement and see where you might have overspent. It helps to print it out and grab two different colored high lighters, highlight your necessities with one color and your impulse purchases with another.
Acknowledge your spending triggers.
Avoid spending money when you are emotional, stressed or tired. If you’re feeling upset think of some healthy ways you can cope that don’t involve online shopping. If you’re hungry don’t go to the grocery store before you’ve had a snack. If you’ve had a major life change, don’t make a big purchase.
Budget for spending money.
A lot of overspending stems from feeling deprived. So give yourself money earmarked just for spending it how you want.
What do you want?
Write down your financial goals and put them in a place where you can see them daily. When you’re tempted to spend unnecessarily, think about what those goals are.
None of us is a perfect little money angel and we all make mistakes. But keep trying and keep moving forward.