What is in our 72 hour emergency food kit (free checklist)

preparing for a disaster. how to create a 72 hour kit.png

So fun fact about our family, we live in a hurricane zone. More specifically we live on the Gulf Coast of Alabama. And this past weekend we got hit with a very minor storm that knocked out power and caused limbs to fall off pecan trees. But it was our third named storm of the 2020 hurricane season and it’s only the middle of June. (What’s up 2020??)

So today I wanted to share what is in our 72 hour emergency kit for a family of six (including a baby).

Why would you need a 72-hour kit: Well in the event of an emergency you might be out of food, water and basic utilities for 72 hours. You might not have a way to heat food. You might not have access to any running water.

I’ve seen some people pack theirs in a bucket or bag. I put mine in a Totes container. Because Totes float! And if there is a flood I need that. Also, I can pick it up and put it in my van in the very REAL case that we will need to evacuate.

So for our food kit, I make sure to include a lot of perishables. Is it the healthiest stuff? Ummm no. But there is a freakin’ hurricane that knocked out power for days on end. It’s fine.

You can download a free checklist here.

72 hour emergency kit checklist.JPG

Food supplies:

Soup (with a pop-top lid)

Beef jerky or meat sticks

Canned chicken

Peanut butter

Peanut butter crackers

Fruit cups

Apple sauce pouches

Granola bars

Yogurt raisins

Baby food pouches

Also a gallon of water per person per day plus one extra gallon for a baby drinking formula.

Powdered coffee creamer

Instant coffee

Baby formula and bottles (if applicable)

Shelf-stable milk

Plastic cutlery and paper plates (you don’t want to waste drinking water sanitizing dishes)

Emergency supplies:

First aid kit


Small tool kit

Crank radio

Emergency blanket


Hygiene supplies:



Hand sanitizer

Baby wipes


Toothpaste and brushes

Toilet paper

Paper towels

Feminine supplies



Bug spray

Vaseline (this works as lip balm, lotion and protects skin if you get a cut)

Emergency binder:

(I will talk more about this later)

A photocopy of birth certificates

A photocopy of drivers license

A list of medications

Insurance policies

Cash (enough for one week’s expenses)