Websites where you can make money freelancing from home

Websites where you can make money freelancing from home

It's been three years officially since I started my home-based business. And it's been one year since I expanded that business to an official "part-time" job where I earn a consistent income. 

I hear from a lot of people ( A LOT!) who want to start their own business freelancing from home. And I am honest with them, it can be tough but I am also proof that it can be done. 

So I thought I would share a few websites where you could start earning a freelance income this month. 

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Websites where you can make money freelancing from home

Websites where you can make money freelancing from home

It's been three years officially since I started my home-based business. And it's been one year since I expanded that business to an official "part-time" job where I earn a consistent income. 

I hear from a lot of people ( A LOT!) who want to start their own business freelancing from home. And I am honest with them, it can be tough but I am also proof that it can be done. 

So I thought I would share a few websites where you could start earning a freelance income this month. 

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Becoming a Work at Home Mom Part I: Finding Your Niche

I have been running a business from home for almost three years. And by my own definition of success, it is successful. 

I get asked by a lot of women A LOT of women how to start a business. So I thought over the next few weeks I would walk your through it. 

Today let's discuss finding your niche!

If you want an opportunity, sometimes you have to create it.

I want you to find a piece of paper and write that down. Write it on the top page of your notebook. Put it on the front of your fridge. Write it on your chalkboard. 


I realized when I wanted to start a businesses I needed to create myself an opportunity. I wanted to be a freelance writer. I had freelanced on and off for years, But I wanted to create a consistent income from it.

I loved marketing and creating great online content for people. How could I make a career off of it?? 

I didn’t have any delusions that I would be rolling in the dough, I just wanted something consistent, with the same clients and familiar work. And I did it and it didn’t take as long as I thought it would. 

The first thing I did was make a list of my skills. 

It looked like this:

  1. I can write quality content quickly.
  2.  I have media contacts.
  3.  I am good at social networking and social media marketing.
  4.  I am a great web editor and I work well under tight deadlines. 

I am not telling you this to toot my horn, but it was important for me to make a list of my good working qualities and then seek opportunities. 

The second thing I did was think about who I wanted to work with. 

The key for me was finding my target market, which was small businesses owned by women. I understand their needs, I understand what they are trying to balance and I understand the message they want to convey. And I love the people I get to work with everyday. I am their biggest cheerleader and I also feel like they are mine. 

Third, I thought about my own monetary value.

If I were running my own businesses how much would I pay for my services. 

Then I had to create an experience that clients would want to return to. I was courteous, professional and friendly. But I also made it clear, my son is my first priority and if he is having bad day or is sick or just needs me then my clients have to understand that. 

I have been richly blessed with clients who all understand that. Many of them are moms and they understand what I am trying to build.

Sometimes it isn’t obvious:

Do you sew? Could you make a living making children’s clothing? I have a friend who earns a full-time income making little girl’s dresses and accessories. People pay her top dollar for her custom designs. 

Are you web savvy? There are a lot of businesses out there who need web managers. I have met lots of clients who need someone who works exclusively with Word Press and are looking for people who can keep their websites running. 

Or maybe you have some graphic design experience. Could you spin that into a money making opportunity for yourself? 

My cousin found success working as a closing agent. She thought the work sounded interesting, found out how to get trained in her area and began working with real-estate agents. She works just a few hours a week which leaves her plenty of time for home and family. 

A high school friend of mine became an event planner. She works with clients out of her home and plans everything from birthday parties to fund raisers. 

These women took an idea and turned it into an opportunity. 

There is nothing inherently special about me or my abilities. But I have been able to turn those ideas into a business. So can you. 

Objections: Make a list of things you are good at.

Make a list of things you want to get out of a business.

What about you? Have you ever thought about what type of business you would want to run? JOIN THE CONVERSATION. 



So you want to be a work at home mom...

I hear from a lot of women who want to transition from Working Moms to Work at Home Moms. And to be honest with you, I am not an expert on this. 

Yes, I do own a business. And I am fortunate to work with some really great clients. And while I am always happy to try to assist other moms in reaching their goals, I always feel like I am not qualified to offer advice. 

I work just a few hours a week. I only work during nap time, weekends or when my kids are in bed. And I by no means earn a fulltime income because at this point I do not want to work full time hours. Being at home with my boys is number one for me. Period. That's where my heart is and that's where I want to be. 

However, I feel blessed to have planted the seed of a business to grow as my boys grow. 

But here are some topics and ideas I give people when they email me and ask me about how and why and when I started my business. 

1. Realize first and foremost that you can't do it alone.  I started with a vague plan, but also the realization that I can't do this without help from God... and my husband. 

2. Find your niche. Sit down with a pen and paper and figure out what you are good at and what you love.

Are you web savvy? There are a lot of businesses out there who need web managers. I have met lots of clients who need someone who works exclusively with Word Press and are looking for people who can keep their web sites running. 

Or maybe you have some graphic design experience. Could you spin that into a money making opportunity for yourself? 

3. Stay focused.  Man, there are a lot of distractions out there. And it is so hard to stay focused on YOUR business. It is so easy to compare yourself and your business to those around you.

Imagine you are an Olympic swimmer. Does it do you any good to look at anyone else while you are swimming? No. Stay in your lane, look at what’s in front of you and keep moving forward. Don’t get distracted by what is going on the other lanes. If you’re trying to work from home with small children you have enough on your plate without worrying about what everyone else is doing.

4. Understand that time management requires a learning curve. Managing a small child or children and a business can be tough! But you can do it because I have done it and I am the most disorganized person in America. 

So tell me, are you a work at home mom? Do you want to be one? What tips would you add to the list?