6 Sauces you can make at home

This post was originally posted in March 2013.

Do you love a good sauce? I love pasta sauce, dipping sauces and sauces for my tacos. But I am not about to shell out big bucks for a bottle of fancy sauce to put on a fish taco!

Peanut Sauce

This sweet and spicy sauce is perfect on fish, chicken or beef.

4 tbsp creamy Peanut Butter

4 tbsp hot water

1 1/2 tbsp brown sugar

1 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper

1 tbsp lemon juice

Scoop in 4 tbsp peanut butter into a jar, add 4 tbsp hot water, brown sugar and lemon juice and shake (with the lid on of course). It will be the consistency of salad dressing so you will need to refrigerate for 20 - 30 minutes.

Island Sauce

A perfect marinade.

1/4 cup teriyaki sauce

1 1/4 soy sauce

2 tsp onion powder

1 tsp sesame seeds (optional)

Pineapple Sauce

Perfect for meatball or pork sliders

1 can pineapple, drained

2 tbsp brown sugar

1 tbsp apple cider vinegar

Drain your pineapple and throw it in your blender of food processor, once good and crushed place in a saucepan. Add your brown sugar and apple cider vinegar. Stir together and let simmer for 10 - 15 minutes.

Fresh Salsa

Half a red onion

1 tbsp minced Garlic

1 tbsp lemon juice

Dried cilantro to taste

Dice your tomatoes and toss them in the blender with garlic, lemon juice and cilantro. Then pour over the onion and chill for about 30 minutes. (I do not care for warm salsa. I know, I know.)

Pico De Gallo

2 Roma tomatoes, diced

1/4 sweet onion, diced

1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro

1 jalapeño pepper, seeded and minced

1 tbsp lemon juice

heaping table spoon garlic, minced

Veggie Loaded Pasta Sauce

Five good-sized Roma tomatoes, peeled (refer here)

2 tbsp tbsp minced garlic

1/4 cup fresh basil or 1 tbsp dried

pinch kosher salt

1 can tomato paste

2 tbsp white wine

Olive oil

Optional: carrots, spinach any vegetable you can think up. This is a great way to hide vegetables.

In a pan heat up your olive oil and add your onions. Dice those peeled tomatoes and toss them in the pan with you basil let your tomatoes and onions cook for about 10 minutes then add your white wine, tomato paste and sugar. Stir, stir, stir. Then add your garlic and kosher salt and let simmer about 8 minutes.

Effortless Pasta Sauce

2 cans tomato paste

Italian Seasoning

1 can diced tomatoes with juice

Combine paste, Italian Seasoning and canned tomatoes. Whisk it all together. If you like a thinner sauce, add water.

What about you? What sauces do you make at home?