Overcome your overwhelm project #1
/Good morning! Who is ready to overcome that overwhelm? For a recap on why I started this challenge head here.
Ready to conquer your clutter with me (boy do I need the accountability!!)? Ready to rock your time and manage your checkbook? Okay. Let's go.
Clutter challenge:
Purge your bathroom. I actually did this a few weeks ago (I will post a video of that below) and now it's time for me to tackle our boys/guest bathroom.
Set a timer for 10 minutes and then purge that bathroom. Throw out old soap, old cosmetics, donate jewelry you're no longer wearing. Then do a quick wipe down. When the timer is up, it's up and you're done.
Money Challenge:
Make a realistic grocery budget. Open up your bank account and look at what you actually spent last month on food. Did you spend a bunch eating out? Did you make extra trips to the supermarket? Did you blow it on bogo deals you didn't need?
Determine what you actually need to spend money on as far as groceries go. Know that $50 a month for a family of four is not going to cut it. Sure, you may see 1,000 pins boasting about how a family eats for $12 a week. But there my be circumstances that don't apply to you, like a really low cost of living area or an absence of dietary restrictions. Keep your budget realistic to your family and then STICK TO IT.
Consider meal planning to save money and then check out my best tips for saving at the grocery store (without clipping coupons).
Time challenge:
Create a priorities list. Do you want to spend more time with your family? More time on hobbies or a side business? Or more time resting? What are your time goals?
Grab a piece of notebook paper and write down five long-term goals that require time you say you don't have. Maybe it's writing a novel. Or going on a vacation. Maybe it's launching a blog or finishing that hardcover you started six months ago.
Write down everything and I mean EVERYTHING you say you don't have time for. Then tape that list somewhere you see it everyday. We are going to make small steps over the next month to start tackling these things.