My top 9 of 2018 (according to a website that knows nothing about me)


There is this website (that you all probably know about, but in case you’re living in a care with no internet I’ll fill you in) that aggregates your top nine Instagram posts of the year. It’s based on how much engagement that particular photo got. The above snapshot is what this website says is my top nine.

Not going to lie. I don’t love it. The graphics on the top and bottom look awful and why did I post so many selfies?? But hey, people love a good selife.

Also this makes it look like 2018 was this amazing year full of smiling selfies and not buckets of tears and frustration. But I’m all about the positive (she said after complaining for three sentences). In reality 2018 was a year of heartbreak, setbacks, and times I wanted to quit and did quit. (And sometimes quitting is okay.)

But I also wanted to take a walk down memory lane and talk about my top nine (according to this website that knows nothing about me.

I wore shorts in public for the first time in a decade.

I embraced the messy chaos of my #boymom life.

I found my own sense of style. Even though I didn’t spend any money on clothes this year.

I hung out with my husband a lot.

I found a hairstyle that works. 🤣🤣
We got a few wins in this year. Right? .
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