A simple prayer when I feel overwhelmed

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This is my prayer right now. I feel very overwhelmed, stressed and overrun with mom guilt. Do you ever feel this way? 

This summer has been hard. In May I found out I was pregnant. It was a huge surprise and we were thrilled. Then six days later I began to miscarry. And it went on and on and on. In the midst of that my husband got called out of town for work for most of the summer. And to top it off we’ve basically had to start over with our son’s therapy as we’ve faced major regression and challenges. 

I feel like these things have consumed all of my time, physical and mental energy. .

I feel beaten down and discouraged and every time I turn around it’s something brand new to tackle. .
This afternoon I was putting Jesse down for a nap and this was my prayer. “Jesus, overwhelm that which overwhelms me, amen.” .

I can’t do this without Jesus. And I don’t want to. So I’m choosing joy today. Every day. 

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18