It's not too late for you to start

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Do you ever feel like you started too late and you’ll never catch up? Maybe you’re telling yourself it’s too late to invest in retirement. It’s too late to draft that novel. It’s too late to start training to run a marathon. It’s too late to state your business. It’s too late to save your marriage. It’s too late to travel. It’s too late to apologize. It’s just too late.

I think if we are honest we all have something that we’re late to table for. But we’re not too late.

That mindset will leave you feeling defeated. Instead of focusing on where you think you should be and wishing you started sooner, just take a small step.

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Do what you can with what you have.

If you have an extra $25 this month, AWESOME. Put it in savings, throw it at debt, put it in your child’s college fund, add it to your IRA, stock up on toilet paper at a low price, stick it in a jar for Disney World, put it in an envelope for new tires. Do what you can with what you have. Celebrate that you’re still standing and walk on.

If you have an extra 15 minutes, read a chapter of a book on leadership, research how to get a business license, outline a chapter of your book, run around the block, start writing that letter, book a session with a therapist.

Small steps still move you forward. One minute at a time.

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Is it starting a business, building a house or paying off debt?

Is it training for a marathon, working through something in therapy, or writing a book? Is it teaching a child to read, learning an instrument or just making a cake?

In any of these scenarios, there is a process. There is always a process. Sometimes that process is quick and easy and painless. And sometimes that process is hard and difficult and feels endless. Whatever it is you’re facing take one step today.

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Progress may feel different for you than someone else. But that’s okay. You’re not running in their lane. Continue to move forward toward your goals. You can do this.