Care package for a new mom (or anyone else who needs one)

Care packages are one of my favorite ways to encourage a new mom, or anyone else that needs a little life. 

Care packages are fun to give and certainly fun to give. 

They don't have to be overly fancy or expensive.  And can be put together in just a few minutes. 

So how do you build a special care package? 

Start with a reusable container

A few years ago I picked up several colorful buckets from the dollar tree. These were perfect. You can also use baskets or a bag. And you can use containers or baskets you already have. 

Add some treats

I like to chose two or three of the following: popcorn, a candy bar, a bag of nuts, a small package of cookies or candy, hot cocoa or tea, or a small package of fancy coffee.

Put in something to use daily

I love these homemade mason jar tumblers and they are perfect for a care package. You can also put some treats inside them to make them extra special. Consider putting in a pretty travel mug or water bottle. These are perfect for a mom who only has one hand because she's holding a baby, or a sick friend that needs to stay hydrated. 

Add something that smells good

I also like to put in some foaming hand soap from Bath and Body Works (I usually get this free or really cheap thanks to a Swagbucks gift card) or a small candle from Grove Collaborative

Throw in something pretty

A new mom who is exhausted, or a friend who has been sick might not feel very pretty. So be sure to include a good smelling lotion, a pretty lipgloss or a colorful nail polish. 

Don't forget something to read

I love to include books a devotional or a magazine to a care package. Giving someone something to read is an extra special touch and gives them a way to pass the time. 

Add a personal touch

Be sure to include a handwritten note to remind the person you love them and are thinking about them. 

Here are some tips for giving a care package:

Think about what the receiver needs. You don't want to give things a person doesn't want or would never use. 

Fill the care package with snacks and goodies. Whether it's a new mom, a college student, or a soldier who has been deployed, we all LOVE snacks!

Keep it simple. There is no need to imitate Pinterest. 

It doesn't have to be expensive. Load it down with all those great samples you get in the mail. 

Include a sweet note. I included a note from my son that said, "Baby boy thinks you're doing a great job and wanted you to have some goodies."

Use encouraging words. I included some Bible verses I find encouraging. 

Long ago the Lord said to Israel:

“I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love.

With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself. 

Jeremiah 31:3.

Some ideas from you! 

I asked on Instagram what ideas you all had for a new mom care package and I loved the ideas. 

Grocery delivery


Muffins - several of you SWORE by the Costco muffin trays

Face masks

Beef jerky

Protein bars 

Earth Mama Perineal balm

Fruit trays

Homemade germ-killing hand soap

What would you put in a care package, or want to receive in one?