Easy Slow Cooker Chicken in Three Simple Steps

Easy Slow Cooker Chicken in Three Simple Steps

There is something just so grand about throwing something in the crock pot, coming back later and it being done!

I love to cook a whole chicken in there. It's so easy and tasty. And ECONOMICAL! 

I wanted to break it down to for you in THREE simple steps that will MAXIMIZE flavor, juice and tenderness. 

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White Chicken Chili

White Chicken Chili

Last week I cooked a chicken in my crock pot. Seriously, if you've never cooked a chicken like this you need to. It saves so much time and energy.

However, every time I make a whole chicken I have scads of leftovers. I was able to make a pot pie, a quick Paella and White Chicken Chili with the leftovers.

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Cowboy Chicken

Cowboy Chicken

SO I don't know about you, but school has started down here. It seems way too early and way too hot for these kids to be back in school.

I see the school bus roll by in the morning and I think how busy the school year gets. Even for those of us without school-aged children.

The fall will be packed with activities. So that's why I have been doing more crock pot cooking. Plus it's way too hot to turn on the oven. That kitchen gets like a sauna!

Last night I whopped up some Cowboy Chicken. It's got corn and black beans and garlic and lots of tomato-y goodness. Plus it's super simple. Crazy simple.

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