Our favorite toddler books


There is no denying the the benefits of reading to your kids and reading early and often.

Reading fosters brain development and helps children learn to be better readers and enjoy reading as an adult. (Source.)

We started reading to Ry the day after he was born. I am not even kidding. My mom came to the hospital and read him a book. Then Jason and I just kept it going. Jason did a lot of the reading to him as a baby before bed and this gave me an opportunity to take a break from nursing, changing diapers and general "mom stuff." This was my shower time. 

Issie, on the other hand, was too busy screaming to be read to as a newborn. But now we are finding him more and more interested in stories. 


Today I wanted to share some of our FAVORITE books we read to our toddlers. You can find all of these at the library and in fact, that's where we get most of our books. While we do have a large children's library in our home, we couldn't possibly have the room (or budget!) to purchase all the books we love and store them. 

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Today I am telling you about our favorite books for toddlers. 

Llama Llama Red Pajama by Anna Dewdney. 

We enjoy all of the Llama Llama books at our house. He is definitely a toddler and gets himself into trouble. But this sweet toddler also loves his mama and learns great lessons about sharing. 

Little Blue Truck by Alice Schertle. 

Ry LOVES this book and the sequel "Little Blue Truck Leads the Way." It teaches kindness, sharing and the illustrations are just cute!

Red Truck by Kersten Hamilton. 

"Red truck is a tow truck, a work truck, not a show truck..." Ry has this entire book memorized. He loves it. It's all about Red Truck and his driver who save a school bus from a snowy creek. 

Pete the Cat: Rocking in My School Shoes by James Dean. 

Pete is one groovy cat! In this series Pete sings his way through many different situations, but in this book he sings about his school shoes and all the adventures he has while wearing them. 

Corduroy by Don Freeman. 

This is a classic! Corduroy is a sweet bear who lives in a department store. It is all about friendship and adventure through the eyes of a bear. Thousands upon thousands of kids have loved Corduroy and the illustrations are just gorgeous. 

Brown Bear, Brown Beat by Bill Martin Jr. Illustrations by Eric Carle

Colors and rhymes. This is the reason to read Brown Bear, Brown Bear. Kids will love the pictures (illustrated by Carle) and the repetition. 

Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney.

Jason brought this one home soon after Ry was born. And we all love it. Such a sweet story of a daddy hare and a baby hare and the love of a parent. 

The Monster at The End of This Book. 

You probably read this one as a kid! I know I did. Ry loves this one and he loves yelling "stop. turning. pages!!!!"

I Love You Through and Through

This is a simple book with a sweet message. We all love our babies!

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.

This book needs no introduction. We read this one so many times that I could just start reciting it and Ry would stop and listen. 

The Little Engine That Could by Watty Piper. 

A can do attitude. Sacrificial friendship. This book is inspiring to children and adults. Because if we believe we can achieve... yes, I know how cheesy that just sounded. 

Pajama Time by Sandra Boynton. 

We love all Sandra Boynton's books. But among our favorite is Pajama Time. It's the perfect before bed book. 

What are your favorite children's books? Leave me a comment. I want to know!!

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