Create a memory game from leftover Valentine's Day Cards

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My toddler got a HUGE amount of Valentine's cards last week. In fact, my daddy sent him an entire box of Thomas cards. 

As you can see from the photo above Ry is a BIG Thomas fan. Loves the show and anything related to it. When I showed him all the cards he named each character with perfect clarity. 

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But I don't need a TON of Valentine's just lying around my house. So I decided to upcycle them into a fun memory game for Ry. 

What you'll need:

Construction paper

glue stick

old cards

OPTIONAL: Contact paper or a laminator. 

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Step one, make sure each card has an indentical twin. Recycle the ones that don't or same them for something else. 

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Step 2. Cut into squares, all about the same size. 

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Step 3. Glue them to some construction paper. 

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Step 4. Cut out the cards that you glued to the paper. 

Step 5 would be to laminate them, but I don't have a laminator at my house so I wll have to save that step for later. 

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Clearly Ry LOVES them. Right now he doesn't understand the concept of mathing, but he is only two so we will get there. 

How are you recycling all those cards at your house? 

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