Three things that can WRECK your budget

Three things that can WRECK your budget

I think at some point we have ALL reached a point when there is more month than money.  

We may have entered the month with the best of intentions, but we just didn't stick to our budget. That could be for a number of reasons

But for a lot of people it comes down to three things, emergencies, lifestyle and guilt. Of course there are endless things that can wreck a budget if you let them, but it seems that these things that cause our money to fly out the window the fastest. 

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Want to get in control of your grocery budget? 8 strategies to cut costs at the supermarket

Want to get in control of your grocery budget? 8 strategies to cut costs at the supermarket

Have you ever stood in line at the grocery store watching the total go up, up, up? You pay for your groceries and get home and realize you didn’t really buy that much. There is no way your groceries should cost this much?!

It’s true that the cost of food has risen sharply in the past few years. But you can still cut costs at the supermarket and not just eat boxed macaroni. 

Today I wanted to offer a few tips to keep down your grocery costs.

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Paying off student loans is possible. 6 steps to paying off student loans faster

Paying off student loans is possible. 6 steps to paying off student loans faster

Student loan debt in the U.S. is out of control at an estimated $1.2 trillion. (source) Can your brain even fathom that number??

According to one report, 59 percent of the overall student loan debt is carried by people who didn’t even finish college. Also, student loan debt from those who didn’t finish school is less like to get paid off, which is both a sad and telling statement about the overall student loan “crisis.” 

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Why your budget (probably) isn't working and eight steps to fix it. (#4 and # 5! are key)

Why your budget (probably) isn't working and eight steps to fix it. (#4 and # 5! are key)

I hear it all the time "I just can't make a budget work" or "I just can't stick to a budget" or "I feel like it's really unrealistic to stick to a budget."

That last one is my favorite. I have heard it all and to be honest, I have said it all.

Our family lives on a budget. My husband sits down each month and makes that budget. But we haven't always stuck to it. And recently we have wandered away from it, only to find ourselves sprinting back.

I could make you a list of reasons you should be budgeting. But instead, I want to talk about why your budget probably isn't working. And believe me, as the free-spirited spender of my household, I am speaking from experience.


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7 daily habits of the highly frugal

7 daily habits of the highly frugal

I really believe that frugality is a learned behavior. It’s something that’s either taught at a young age by frugal parents and then handed down generation to generation. Or, people have made the conscious to become frugal either through circumstances that changed (such a job loss) or the desire to get out of debt and build savings. 

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How to stop impulse spending. Four questions to ask before making a purchase

How to stop impulse spending. Four questions to ask before making a purchase

Have you ever found yourself in Target with a cart full of throw pillows and cardigan sweaters? Nope, me neither... 

Sometimes our emotions and impulses get the better of us when making purchases. That's why it's important to ask yourself a few questions first. 

You see, in order for us to get out of debt, it took some behavior changes. I had to really become intentional in my spending. That was difficult for me. If that's not something you struggle with, great. But for many, it is. 

So I have four questions I ask myself before I make a purchase.

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