Teaching advent to Preschoolers: 5-Day Little People Advent

The Christmas season has been more exciting this year because my t̶h̶r̶e̶e̶-̶y̶e̶a̶r̶-̶o̶l̶d̶ ̶four-year-old is really starting to understand more, ask questions and get excited about the season. 

We are really emphasizing that in our family we celebrate the birth of Jesus. I have been trying to talk to my son about the nativity, and the Christmas story according to Luke. 

Last year my sister emailed me a little advent story she had written for her daughter, who is also four. She used the story she had written to acompany her Little People Nativity set

I thought I would share this with you today. This is perfect for a preschooler and will take five nights to complete. 


I told Mary the good news that she was going to have a special baby.  This baby would be God’s son and would save the World.  I also came to tell the shepherds to go and worship the baby in the stable.


I gave Mary a ride to Bethlehem.  I was one of the animals in the stable the night that baby Jesus was born.


I came with Joseph to Bethlehem.  I rode a long way on a donkey.  I was tired and it was time for baby Jesus to be born.  There was no room in the inn so we had to stay in the stable.  I am Jesus’ mommy.


I was in the field watching over my sheep when lots of angels appeared in the sky telling me to go find a baby in the stable.

Wise Man:

I came from the East.  I traveled a long way following the star.  I brought gifts for the baby Jesus.

What do you think? Do you have a special advent tradition? Join the conversation