Diaper Bag First Aid Kit in a Crystal Light Container

diaper bag first aid kit in an old crystal light container cover.jpg

Kids are like magnets for cuts, scrapes, bumps and bruises. And my toddler can trip over air. I have serisously considered investing in a helmet. Or bubble wrap. Or a giant hampster ball. 

But I can't protect him from every scrape and cut. So I packed my diaper bag with a first aid kit. 


I had seen this really cute one on Amazon. But they are $7. $7???? for a peice of plastic with bandages inside of it? That's crazy. Who would buy that?

diaper bag first aid kit in an old crystal light contents 2.jpg

I had an old Crystal Light container lying around, so I decided to make one myself. It's not as cute, but it gets the job done. And I got all of the supplies at the Dollar Tree or free with my CVS ExtraCare bucks!

diaper bag first aid kit in an old crystal light container labeled contents.jpg

A ton of stuff fits inside:

Two gauze pads

4 alcohol wipes

12 standard Band-Aids

6 small Band-Aids

2 knee and eblow bandages

triple antibiotic ointment

a bar of soap

saline solution

healing balm 


lip balm

five stickers

First aid kit for a diaper bag pinterest.jpg

As you can see, it's a lot of stuff that fits in this little container, it costs just a couple bucks to make and it's perfect for your purse or diaper bag. 

What's in your First Aid Kit?

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