Three great Thanksgiving crafts for kids

Turkey time

It's almost Thanksgiving and Mister Mister is really excited!

Because he is still so little we don't do a lot of crafts. It just ends in disaster, trust me.

However, I am really, really, really excited (but not in a hurry) about when he gets older and knows how to use a glue stick.

So I am saving up some great Thanksgiving craft ideas for later.

Thankful tree

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1 A Thankful Tree- Simply Vintage Girl has this really cute Thankful Tree. She collected some branches and hung little notes about things she and her family are Thankful for. This is something you can do without kids, but would be fun if you do have children because they can make notes, tell you the things they are grateful for or they can hang the notes on the branches.


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2. TeePee snacks. has these super cute TeePee snacks. It's an empty ice cream cone dipped in chocolate with sprinkles and a few pretzels. Easy!

hat cup

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3. Pilgrim Hat Crayon Holder.  Amy Atlas has a TON of cute crafts for Thanksgiving, including this Pilgrim hat cup. Take a cup, some construction paper and a few crayons. This is great for a the kid's table at Thanksgiving.