Free Kitchen Conversion Chart Printable

It has happened to all of us, your in the middle of baking something and you only have half of the amount of sugar, flour or butter you need. 

We've all been there. Sometimes it's a lack of planning which leads to a kitchen disaster or it's just an oversite. But you still left with a recipe that needs converting. 

And how do you split 3/4 cups of sugar??? Easy, 6 tables spoons! I have made this simple conversion chart for you. 

You can print it here in color or here in black and white. 

And don't forget you can pick up a copy of The Poor Girl's Handbook the Kitchen on Kindle right now for just $2.99, it's loaded with little tidbits like how to fix kitchen disasters. 

Shop your pantry and freezer with new FREE printables

Yesterday I shared why meal planning is important when you're on a tight, tight, tight budget

I want to highlight a free printable I posted with that. 

I have made two printables that make it easier to shop your pantry and freezer while organizing your shopping list. 

The Year of Less has a great series on shopping your pantry. But it's so much easier when you have an idea of what is in that pantry. These printables will help you do that. 

There is a section for both freezer and pantry and even more sections for protien, vegetables, breakfasts and more. 

Plus they're are super cute! Take and print, share and let me know what you think! 

Feel free to pass these printables on to your friends. 


Yesterday I shared why meal planning is important when you're on a tight, tight, tight budget

I want to highlight a free printable I posted with that. 

I have made two printables that make it easier to shop your pantry and freezer while organizing your shopping list. 

The Year of Less has a great series on shopping your pantry. But it's so much easier when you have an idea of what is in that pantry. These printables will help you do that. 

There is a section for both freezer and pantry and even more sections for protien, vegetables, breakfasts and more. 

Plus they're are super cute! Take and print, share and let me know what you think! 

Feel free to pass these printables on to your friends.