My five favorite slow cooker recipes

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I hear it time and time again: "I don't have time to cook my family a home cooked meal every night." 

I hear what you're saying. You have work/home/church/civic/school responsibilities. You're tired and stretched too thin. 

I stay home with my kids, and I have a small business. So my time is far more flexible than more women I know and I still don't always find time to cook. 

But, I have found that for me there is always time to throw some stuff in my trusty slow cooker and go about my day. 

I have a Hamilton Beach Set'n'forget. I love it. (That is an affiliate link. Read my disclosure policy.) I use it weekly and it has made life infinitely easier. 

So here are my five favorite slow cooker recipes. 

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Pineapple Pork Loin cover.jpg
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Buffalo Chicken Mac and Cheese 

What's your favorite slow cooker recipe? 

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