How to survive waking up early

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One of my goals this year was to get up earlier. As a working mom who runs a business from her home, it’s hard for me to find time just for me. Much of my day is spent working, schooling my kids, changing diapers, laundry, dishes, more working, cooking dinner and so on and so forth til I crash at 10 p.m.

Tips for adjusting and thriving when facing an early wakeup time

So I decided to get up earlier so that I could have time for me, when I wasn’t working, just doing the things I wanted to do.

It went well. I got up early. I had coffee. I felt great. Until 2 p.m. when I was crying because I wanted to go to bed but it was still the middle of the day.

So I did what I always do when I need tips. I turned to my Instagram and Facebook followers. And they came through!

The best tip I can give you that worked for me is don't sleep with your shades closed. When the sun comes up ... you're up!

Don't drink OR EAT caffeine (hello chocolate) after 3 p.m.

I tend to sleep better when I've had at least an hour of moderate focused exercise (like walking or a slow swim) and like a baby when I've done at least 30 minutes of intense focused exercise. I

The less time I spend on the computer or with my nose in the phone, the better.

You have to be militant about your bedtime. This is YOUR sleep and YOUR health and nothing except an emergency should get between you and your health.

Walking around lunchtime helps.

Get some sun/go outside at least a few minutes daily

Establish a routine in the early hours devoted mainly to YOU so that you will actually look forward to it.

Use the time to center yourself for the day...whatever that looks like for you.

Keep yourself hydrated with water. Your body/brain are 75% water, so if you’re dehydrated, it can cause you to become lethargic and not function to your optimum.

Staying away from sugar seems to help me stay awake and alert.

My tips are a single cup of coffee around 3p and don’t sit down. I stay up and moving all day long. If I sit, I get so tired and unmotivated. I don’t watch tv during the day but usually have music on.

Movement breaks frequently and lots of water, have a snack with lots of protein around 2:30 pm

Just keep at it! Your bedtime will adjust and you’ll find your sweet spot.

It helps me to have a robe and cozy socks/ slippers by the bed. It's so hard to get out of bed if I think I will be ice cold. I also got some water enhancer (like Mio) and chug a big glass of flavored water in the morning. Perks me up almost as much as coffee.

Consistency! Your body will adjust I wasn’t a morning person either but the peace of early morning is amazing. Also, step outside for five minutes, it always wakes me up.

Just keep moving. If I sit still too long I lose my momentum and will be dying for a nap.